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Gateways to Change

Hanover Street Design Competition

The Competition

To inspire more creativity and beauty in our commercial corridor, GBA launched Gateways To Change: the Hanover Street Design Competition. We received 75 entries! A panel of judges selected three artists to participate in the next phase of the competition. This is where YOU come in! 

Community Collaboration

Each finalist has developed three public art concept designs. To determine which ones are preferred in the neighborhood, we need you to weigh in! Your feedback will help dictate the projects' development and where new art could be installed.

Public Art Adds Value

Creative placemaking -- adding site-specific art and other elements of interest to shared public spaces -- shapes the character of a neighborhood. It inspires pride and connection between people and their environment. Creative placemaking is an effective tool for improving community vibrancy and mitigating blight.

Next Steps

The three artists will use the public's feedback to shape their final design proposals, as well as logistical factors like site permission, liability, city agency approvals, costs, and feasibility. GBA will use these same factors and the survey results to select a winning project. The winner will be announced in Fall 2024.

GBA will work with the winning artist and the community to raise funds for installation. With your support, we anticipate moving forward in 2025! 

The Gateways to Change: Hanover Street Design Competition is presented by the Greater Baybrook Alliance (GBA). It is made possible in part by funding from the National Endowment for the Arts.


9 Design Proposals

Corridor of Light (EnviroCollab)

Faces and Places: Brooklyn’s Neighborhood Nooks (Aida Ayuk)

A Sculpture Proposal for the Brooklyn Community (Becky Borlan)


Potential Sites for New Public Art

Tell Us What You Think

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